Friday, September 26, 2008

Truth in Advertising

Obama’s lawyer threatens TV stations that run NRA ad
Here's the opening salvo.

Here's the return fire.

One of the favorite projections of the left is that 2A advocates only focus on guns and ignore the rest of the Bill of Rights.

As we can see, except when it advances a subversive agenda, they have about as much respect for the First Amendment as they do the Second.

[Via Daniel M]


Anonymous said...

He's a real piece of work.
If McCain is smart he will stick the bailout on the democrats because they are the ones who cleaned house on election money from the crooks on Wall Street. Oboma was a huge receiver in this loot.
McCain can make this look like a cover up to hide the crooked dealing and the money received by democrats. The American people (which counts me in too) are pissed about this bailout.
If and that's a big if, this country elects Oboma and he goes after guns and raises taxes there's going to be hell to pay. Too many people will lose jobs and folks that are hanging on will stop spending but on the most needed things. People will not give up there semi autos which will make criminals out of millions.
Here's how stupid Oboma's AWB would be. If people don't turn them in, they will risk federal prison just like having a full auto. At that point anyone not wanting to give up their semi auto may as well convert it to full auto because the law will treat them the same. What this will do is put a lot of police officers in the ground because the people who will fight before giving up their guns will be doing it with full autos. The AWB that totally outlaws semi autos is beyond a bad idea for everyone alike, gun owner and police. I personally do not want to see American blood of any kind spilled over liberal views passing new laws on what American should be because their Marxist book tells them so.
If Oboma is elected the hate Americans will have for other Americans will be off the charts. I don't know that anyone after this monkey will be able to fix America after four years of him.
We are still dealing with Jimmy Carter's mistakes like removing the Shaw of Iran which has made Iran the tree trunk of evil. Four years of Oboma and this country will be paying a price for as long as the sun shines on this planet.

Anonymous said...

I never REALLY expected to have to be part of a human barrier around a radio or TV station to keep it operating, as is sometimes necessary in less-free countries. Yet here's a U.S. SENATOR who sounds like he literally wants to make it necessary because they're saying something he doesn't find advantageous to himself.
McCain at least did it LEGISLATIVELY with McCain-Feingold.
WHAT IF this man attains the presidency? Half of the 1/3 who vote will vote for him. 98% of Austrian voters supported Hitler's annexation of their country, too.

Anonymous said...

Do I need to remind any of us about
Senator McCain's RKBA record or McCain Feingold? We've been here before; a really scary Democrat vs a dubious Republican (1972, 1988) It's "let's you and him fight" IMO.
all the best, cycjec