
Baggage searches are SOOOOOO early-21st century. Homeland Security is now testing the next generation of security screening — a body scanner that can read your mind.Good grief. Make sure you click on the "MALINTENT in Action" link, and see if you can think up some Mad Magazine-style snappy answers to stupid questions. And then imagine getting beaten and cavity searched if you did.
Mr. Lightfoot?
If I could read your mind loveAnd remember: They hate us because we're free!
What a tale your thoughts could tell...
[Via Ron W]
When I go through Airport security I am usually thinking "dear god these guys are idiots...i f-ing hate the gestapo TSA"
do you think that will get me extra security screening? they will probably label me a terrorist
With an artificial hip, rush rods in my arm, implants in my ankle, shrapnel in the back of my head and neck, and funny looking scars on my legs and back, I just walk up and tell them I have metal in my body, lets go see the wand guy and look at things, hmkay? I don't even care. I used to set off security stuff before 9/11. Yes, it's violation of my privacy to be searched like that. Would I like to see it stopped? You bet. Any likelyhood of that happening soon? Nope. Recommendations? Abolish the TSA, and hang whoever came up with idea. How to improve airport/airline security? Arm everyone who is able, and competent to be armed, and advertise the fact at every airport. Shoot any captured/wounded terrorists, on the spot. Put it on TV. All terrorist assests forfeited to the victims, tax free. Turn Iran into a sea of glass. Run every Moslem out of this country.
Victims,or their survivors. Assets. And I forgot, demolish all mosques.
A lot of people fly because a loved one is dying and they want to be with them. I'm sure they are on the up tight side hoping they get there in time. I'm sure the morons that are with TSA will dick with them so they miss their flight, which will snowball down hill.
One thing I noticed about the hijacked flights on Sept. 11, 2001 there were no Irish, Germans or even Mexicans for that matter controlling the hijacked jets. Some how someone needs to get this through the thick heads of TSA and the assholes who make the laws in this country. If we are at war, I mean if we are really at war and American lives are on the line. A few hurt feelings is a small price to pay if some Arabs feel disrespected getting a little extra treatment at the airport. As it is now, I refuse to fly and I'm not by myself. This is causing other Americans to lose jobs who work in the airline industry. I'm not the cause of these job loses, I'm just taking care of me and my family to not be abuse by morons and idiots who are out of control.
Should we outlaw all religions or just the unpopular ones? What about the rest of the Bill of Rights? I guess it is just a relict of an earlier time and is obsolete, just like the BATFE has been showing us with the 2nd Amendment.
Indeed, Kent. We WILL be treated as we treat others in the long run.
I choose not to fly as long as anyone's rights are violated.
What others choose for themselves is not my affair.
Like most other leo 'systems,' this one is no different. You must comply or it won't work.
Just don't comply.
Sean...if there were a little bowing icon available, I'd use it now for that initial comment of yours! I like the way you think sir.
Kent...Your point about banning unpopular religions is valid. Just one point however: Islam is NOT a religion. It is a political system masquerading as a religion. Oh well…one additional point regarding the bacon haters. It’s not BANNING them that I long to do!
Not only is Islam not a religion, it is a blight on the face of the earth. Sorry,if I wounded your sensibilities, Kent, and you make a valid point. But, and this one is as wide as a crescent moon, what, exactly, do the Moslems have in store for, and propose to do with us? Their officially stated aim is: Death to all unbelievers who will not submit to Islam and Sharia law: Death to all Jews: NO OTHER RELIGIONS ARE ALLOWED: Any who live in Moslem lands must pay a special tax, as non-Moslems: Women have NO rights, and must take the veil or hajib: Prayer to their Pig g*d is mandatory, five times a day. It's really quite extensive. I don't recall the Pentecostals, the Baptists, the Lutherans, the Catholics, being quite so difficult live with. Far from being a religion, they are a malignant cancer, and we already have the infection. Get it? They don't want accomodation, they intend to MURDER US/ENSLAVE US. Our laws,customs,civilization,nothing we hold dear means anything to them. It's Islam or nothing. So, it's suck it, allah, and all your little bowing adherents. Yes, I'm a Christian, and no, I don't give a damn. I'm a different kind of Christian. Not polite, not kind(to my enemies)and my intentions are survival, and then, victory. My sins, as everyones, are a matter between me, and G*d. The bible don't say nothin' about laying down for all this shit, and I ain't running, either.
I fly once or twice a year for business. I have found all the extra security as a minor inconvenience. However, since 9/11I always carry a bag of pork rinds. I figure if I'm going to be called home early, I'm going to make sure that any potential Islamic terrorist is soiled for eternity as well.
James, don't forget those like Richard Reid. Many muslims are western born and bred, and recruited into terror cells in western mosques. Also, don't forget that Iraqis, Iranians, and Palestinians are not Arabs. Neither are Morrocans, Nigerians, or Sudanese. It's about Islam, not their skin color. I understand what you're trying to say, but I must warn against taking your eyes off the objective for even a moment. That's the exact purpose of the apologetics you see about Islam every day - to keep us unfocused and divided.
Sean, you didn't wound my sensibilities since I am not religious at all.
And I might remind gunrights4us that many people consider the most vocal factions of Christianity to be political systems masquerading as a religion as well.
If Christians obeyed the bad parts of the Bible, they would be as dangerous as the Muslims who obey the bad parts of the Koran. That is what makes a "cult" a cult. They just adhere to unpopular verses that "the mainstream" ignores.
Focus on peoples' actions, not what they claim to believe. Anyone who harms (or attempts to harm) innocent people should be killed to stop the attack. Period.
They should do like Israel, and look for terrorists, not weapons.
They wouldn't need this machine to determine my malintent. I become of bad intent when some jackass bothers the Hell out of me over things that are none of his damn business. When he does so with bad attitude, it becomes obvious I am not friendly.
Pork rinds are no longer allowed if you can't buy them after TSA controlled areas.
There's a reason for this.
If you want to portray me as dangerous as a Moslem, go ahead, Kent. The "bad" parts of the Bible,Kent? For someone who is"not religious" you sure as hell got that opinion from somewhere. What, exactly are the "bad parts"? There are parts of the Old Testament that show people behaving as badly as anyone could, but I haven't found endorsements of such behaviour anywhere in it. "Cult", is literary shorthand, for culture. Means if you plant yourself with a group you identify with, and participate in their activities, you are part of their culture. Such as you and I are part of the "gun culture". Gulp! I understand your hostility to religion and problably understand the reasons as well. But I will tell you that the most vocal forms of Christianity are that way because the govt. and their socialist enablers will not leave THEM alone. Action, reaction. Seems Christians keep getting in the way of the religion of the State. And Kent, what people believe in generates their actions. My beliefs RESTRAIN me from action. The Koran tells people to go out and murder and enslave other people. If you don't believe there is a dimes' worth of difference between a Moslem and a Christian, then you don't believe there is any difference between living in Saudi Arabia, and Texas. I live here because I like it. They want to live here because they want own it and run it like a 7th century nightmare. You're going to face a choice someday. A nation populated by, and run by, mostly Christians, or a nation populated and run by Moslems. One will be free, but annoying. The other will not be free, and like drinking quart of mare sweat first thing in the morning. But hell, you don't have to make a choice, just stick to your anarchist principles(which I believe are: Everyone knows, Anything goes) and you and all your anarchist buds will live free and clear. By the by, Christians, as a rule, live largely by logic, something found in Greek philosophy, and logic dictates you fight when someone tries to take anything valuable to you. Why do Christians obey the "good" parts of the Bible, and form the vast majority of charities in the world? Why has western civilization prevaled over all the rest, populated by mostly Christians? Do you expect a hand lopping in Pakistan, or a trial, for a theft? How about a rape? If you're excommunicated by the Pope, will you be hanged? Do you know who your friends are?
I know the Bible very well, and yes, it has some really bad parts, such as endorsements of slavery and of beating those slaves; a demand that a rapist must marry his victim to cleanse himself; orders to kill disobedient children, homosexuals, adulterers, anyone who works on Sunday, the innocent babies of your enemies, etc.
Thank goodness most Christians don't obey the Bible. Oh, and if you claim that those are Old Testament orders, don't forget that the Bible claims to be perfect and eternal.
I am not claiming you are dangerous at all, since you do not obey the bad parts of the Bible. If, however, you started obeying it ALL, then you would become as dangerous as a Muslim terrorist.
You could not be more wrong about my anarchist principles, by the way. They are: Everyone everywhere has the exact same rights as everyone else, and no one has the right to initiate force against another, ever. Notice that there is no exception for the state, and that self defense is NOT "initiating force" (lest you think I am a pacifist).
I live my principles and they work, regardless of the doom and gloom naysayers.
If you would like to discuss this further, feel free to email me at dullhawk@hotmail.com. I don't want David to get tired of this discussion, since this is his "house".
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