Monday, October 06, 2008

We're the Only Ones Who Like Our Beef Rare Enough

I guess they're finally getting around to mooving on this...

I don't think I'll be the "Only One" to speculate on why he may have found livestock more appealing...

I suspect this may be a Zargonian conspiracy--I was going to have a burger for lunch, but now I've lost my appetite.


Anonymous said...

Now I know why only ones are allowed to carry in new jersey

GunRights4US said...

Looking at the pic of his girlfriend, it's entirely understandable that he would develop a fetish for cows!

Sean said...

Looking at the pic of his girlfriend, removes my will to live. Imagine that face closing in on you and you get the idea. Think maybe the cops will want to "beef" up patrols in the area? More "steak-outs?" Or will they just "hoof it" on over to the donut shop like usual? Maybe the lil' deputy was just trying to milk it for all it was worth. The people in that community butter start asking questions.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice that the article said Lewis was in jail on $300,000 bond, but the only word on him is that he was suspended? NOt a word about his custody status or lack of same.

freedomjoyadventure said...

Where's the beef?