Tuesday, December 16, 2008

BATFU Reenacts Sherman's March

The government had planned to burn hundreds of acres in the area on Tuesday to clear underbrush to aid in searching for more ammunition and explosives.
It's official.

Slash and burn, that is, components of total war, are now acceptable tools in BATFU's War on (Drugs and) Guns.

And of course, the other good thing about burning...uh...evidence is...is...well, it does put more weight on sworn testimony, doesn't it?

I wonder if they'll salt the earth afterward?

I also wonder if this has happened yet--the story is a few days old, and I can't find accounts of the burn having taken place. The thought strikes to get the left to carry some water--literally.

There's gotta be some environmentalcases we could plant a bug under about carbon footprints, greenhouse gasses, releasing toxins and carcinogens into the environment, endangering wildlife...

[Via Chris Horton]


SamenoKami said...

I can't believe the earth-worshippers would allow them to burn for this reason. We can't burn underbrush to prevent a forest from becoming a tinderbox, so why this?

Anonymous said...

Seems like a waste of a whole lotta money over something so silly.

triptyx said...

But but but....it's for the children!

Jake (formerly Riposte3) said...

Um... using fire to help find explosives?

I suppose the "boom" and the hole in the ground will make it pretty easy to find where the explosives are, er... were hidden.
