Wait a minute...he wanted you and me to turn in our guns, but when it came to his own protection he kept "a loaded handgun in a master-bedroom nightstand"?
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column...
Help me spread the word...?
Notes from the Resistance...
Wait a minute...he wanted you and me to turn in our guns, but when it came to his own protection he kept "a loaded handgun in a master-bedroom nightstand"?
First person I thought of was Ill. Gov. Blagojevich. Hates guns, has Firearm Owner ID card #1.
By the way, the Ill. Supreme Court denied a motion saying he is unfit as governor. Wiping your behind with the Constitution isn't grounds for impeachment.
We've seen that before.
Great post. Loved it. Goes along well with this criminals for gun control video.
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