Sunday, December 14, 2008

Urine His Yard...

...and ur up to no good...

Seems to me u got what u deserved.

[Via Zachary G]


Anonymous said...

In the housing area I used to live in in Tucson, we used to have a problem during Halloween with roving bands of juveniles traveling through and smashing everyones jackolanterns. That was until I roared out of my garage on a 4-wheeler with my snow plow (transplanted Alaskan) on the front and chased them around for awhile. No more problems after that.

Anonymous said...

They are in HIS yard, damaging HIS property and he gets arrested? WTF?!

W W Woodward said...

What state or local statute did the “only ones” use for the arrest? Does Minn. have justification defenses in its penal code? This is Bullcrap.

Mr Wagar should have used skunk piss. The poor retarded parents of the smart-assed teens would have really appreciated that.

Do these teens and their parents think they should be able to do anything they wish to another’s property with impunity? And here I’ve been believing that was government’s sole privilege