Wednesday, January 14, 2009

'Atlas Shrugged'

From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years [More]
Except we have no Galt's Gulch refuge.

Which means we either fight or we surrender.

[Via Ron Bokleman]


Anonymous said...

"Except we have no Galt's Gulch refuge."

That sounds familiar.


Anonymous said...

Fight or surrender, either way, we die. So fight, and take as many of them with us as we can.

Anonymous said...

This morning I was thinking about a scene from "Independence Day." An office clerk is busily filing important papers as the alien ship hangs motionless over the city, blocking the sun. The countdown ends, the ship opens up, the green destruction-ray comes down and blows the clerk, the important papers, the file cabinet, the building, in fact ALL the buildings, to shards.
Around us, people go on as if nothing out of the ordinary was up.
I don't think I was EVER THAT oblivious.

John Higgins said...

We don't have a Galt's Gulch because we don't have a Galt.

Unfortunately, without a large cash infusion there's no way to possibly "shrug" on a large scale. The logistics of such an operation are dismal.

But - if success is our desire, there isn't a better option. I'll be writing a blog post on this soon.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, without a large cash infusion there's no way to possibly "shrug" on a large scale. The logistics of such an operation are dismal.

You already have the cash, you just have to get better at keeping it, which means getting better at exchanging it. Suppose you had an electronic wallet the size of a cell phone, with which you could privately exchange electronic representations of money with another wallet? Some Africans are today exchanging cell phone minutes as money. Now picture Americans exchanging claims on gold coins. You don't need the magic Gulch valley camouflage screen if you keep the secret stuff hidden inside an electronic box.

Kent McManigal said...

I've shrugged.

John Higgins said...

Shrugging on a unit scale is doable, no question. It would take thousands of people to begin to compel change, and many people living paycheck-to-paycheck cannot make the move. Nearly everyone needs to have some point of intersection with society-at-large to make their livings. That undermines the entire operation, since the whole point is abandoning society at large.