Still dealing with some post-op physical realities.
I'll be OK--it's just for now, it is what it is.
Do me a favor and go promote the hell out of today's Examiner column.
And this new one.
Lou Dobbs has a great pro-RKBA video.
Notes from the Resistance...
I wonder how many 911 calls filled with terror some people have to hear before they acknowledge the wisdom of taking responsibility for their own safety. If the law forbids it, go around the law. It beats taking a dirt nap. Thanks for linking the recording, David.
The Jennifer Freeman column linked near David's has an excellent photo of proud gang members with their full-body macho tattoos. The second row of these domestic barbarians is dresed like ... federal officers. Navy blue T-shirts and polo shirts with bright yellow logos, ski masks, urban camouflage.
I'll assume anyone raiding my house is a gang member.
Lou Dobbs said the NRA "and others" are concerned about the growing Obamination of our country, Eric "Janet Jr." Holder and stuff.
That Wayne. He looks REALLY worried. I imagine it's the same look Benedict Arnold had near the end..
Take care of yourself - nothing is more important!
Can I offer you a wonderful blended wine from our collection while you wait for the police to arrive?
Just one problem ... Lou Dobbs is a douchebag.
Everyone's a douche bag, Chef. The only variable is the differing opinion.
But you show me one other major media figure willing to even mention Olofson or Len Savage. Dobbs has made a practice of it, and we should recognize and encourage that, not throw sand on it.
Perhaps an adaptation of the adage would be appropriate here:
Don't look a gift douche bag in the nozzle.
Cum ulla sella in pugno taberna, no?
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