Friday, February 13, 2009

What Playing Nice with the Enemy Gets You

They still hate your guts. [More]


John Hardin said...

Sen. Arlen Specter (Confused - PA)


jon said...

taking sides in congress is like taking sides in prison. when you're bought, you stay bought.

Anonymous said...

I think it's cute how people think there's still sides in Government.

The only real difference between Republocrats and Democans is who they want to give your hard earned money to. Sometimes the corrupt Republocrats will do a good thing, and sometimes the corrupt Democans will do the right thing, but remember; it's never for the right reasons.

Anonymous said...

Both parties will take us to the very same place. The only difference is how they plan on getting us there.

Anonymous said...

And we are surprised?

Anonymous said...

I was trying to remember why the Michigan Militia shortwave "Intelligence Report" called him "Arlen Sphincter." Thik I found it. Bush Lackey John Danforth supposedly "investigated" Waco. They talked about three tear gas grenades fired by the FBI that missed the building entirely, concluding that the Davidians shot each other and chose to die in a flaming hell, along with their children and unborn babies. They did NOT talk about Combat Engineering Vehicles ramming holes in walls and pumping in flammable CS tear gas banned for use against the enemy in war.
Specter let Danforth run the investigation, and when he had a chance to say "OK, had your turn, back to busines," he said "There's nothing we can do about Waco except change our procedures to prevent it from happening again blah blah, besides, Chinese espionage is the big threat to the American people. How did they get military computer technology from us?"
You and I are qualified to lead a congressional investigation, because WE know bill Clinton sold it to them in exchange for campaign funds funneled through Californioa Buddhist temples.
But never mind that because the REAL big threat to America is global warming...
Oh, I read yesterday that something like 22 laptop computers are missing from Los Alamos atomic weapons research facility. But again, don't wory, there was no sensitive infomation on them. Yeah, people stole -- were ABLE to steal -- computers from a top-security government research facility -- for their monetary value alone.