While we're waiting for the official Examiner.com site to stop producing error messages, I want to introduce you to a site you can go to that will give you "one-stop shopping" for all Gun Rights Examiner commentary--mine as well as the folks handling a dozen cities nationwide.
Check out (and bookmark) www.gunrightsexaminers.com. It's the creation of Cleveland GRE Daniel White, and I'm very grateful that he took the time, made the effort and showed the leadership to do this. It's especially been a pain because Examiner urls are long and convoluted--so this give us a common link we can use to better publicize our work.
I have added the Gun Rights Examiners to my blogs Reading File. It's too important to miss. Thanks for providing this fine site.
Thank you.
I already have "Standing By" on the WoGroll, but I just added to to my GRE "Friends" link list.
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