Thursday, March 05, 2009

Just Like a Real Dictatorship

President for Life Obama. It has kind of a "Dear Leader" ring to it, doesn't it? [More]

And naturally, Serrano proves his loyalties in other ways.


Anonymous said...

Michael Bloomberg, billionaire, made it happen for the mayorship of New York City. He got the law changed and is at least eligible for another term and is campaigning now, making more of those promises.
This would be scary, if I were the kind of person who got scared rather than angry and disgusted.

W W Woodward said...

Der Helle Bringer, Seig Heil!!!

Makes one wonder just what he's been promised.

jon said...

the bill opens the floodgates entirely. clinton could become president again.

Anonymous said...

I've been saying all along that B. fancies himself another Hugo Chavez.

Wait for it.

Anonymous said...

Talk about adding insult to injury...


idahobob said...

Short ropes, tall trees.


10ksnooker said...

The Acting President Obama and his teleprompter buddy is following the Chavez template, including the czars in the shadows. Watch the video online at Frontline "The Hugo Chavez Show". You won't regret it. It explains what is to come.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead. Given the doctrine of unintended consequences, this will result in President Sarah Palin having four terms.

Anonymous said...

This guy's a nut all right, but I don't think he's doing this specifically for Obama. If you follow the "related legislation" link you'll notice that he's introduced this exact bill in every congress since 1997.


Brian K Miller said...

I don't support unlimited terms for the Presidency, nor do I like his position on gun control, but on most of the other issues he has a very pro-Bill of Rights voting record.

If he gave the Second Amendment the same emphasis he gave the others he'd win a lot of friends on the opposite side of the political fence.

David Codrea said...

Pops1911: I deleted your comment. It is the type of thing generally done by either a fed provocateur or someone totally oblivious to how seriously the feds take even implied statements. I've documented numerous times before how they monitor this site, so consider yourself fortunate if they don't trace it back to you. If, as I suspect, it was simply poor judgment, take this as a concerned caution that you put more thought into how you say things.