Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Close the Home Depot Loophole

Do it for the children. [More]


MamaLiberty said...

Oh, this is priceless! I've bookmarked it and will use it for next week at PoL.

I'm now working on a program to turn my plump little hands into deadly weapons... And no NICS paperwork either!!

Defender said...

Home Depot is or was a subsidiary of the Hechinger's department store chain, a prime contributor to the Brady camp, for those who didn't know. One of the benefits of superannuation.

Anonymous said...

Nothing funny about this. Australia already regulates Ramsets as though they are firearms. (There are two types of nailguns ((well, actually three, but for the purpose of discussion two))compressed air and powder actuated) The powder actuated maybe in the crosshairs of all the usual suspects even as we type.


In Liberty,