The truth is out there, and it is spreading. [More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column shows how slowly, but surely, the lies and liars are being exposed to a wider audience.
Also meet our man in Boston, learn of a new danger to gun rights hidden in government health care tampering, and get the latest from my fellow GREs.
I hope you agree that spreading the truth far and wide is important, and will help do that by sharing the link to this small contribution throughout your sphere of influence.
My letter to N.P.R. (communist radio)
"I heard your news program this morning about the drug-related violence stemming from the drug cartel battles. It was stated that these drug warriors are buying their M-16 machine guns here in the U.S. Can you please find out the name of a gun store that stocks this fine product for me? It was stated on the show that they are sold legally here, without restriction. There was also a soundbite from A.G. Eric Holder, saying it didn't matter what percentage of these guns originated in the U.S. Obviously he knows where some of these deals can be found. I want to do my part to stimulate this economy. Please don't tell me your reporting was erroneous because I really have my hopes up!
Massachusetts replaced Chapter 140 which was convoluted and confusing and replaced it with Chapter 180. Any law that requires a lawyer to study, understand and explain it to you should never pass. If a whole book is required to instruct police officers, then expect them to make mistakes and arrest citizens unlawfully, but the police will then claim "good faith" based on their unserstanding of the law. It is no coincidence that many state legislators are law school graduates. These laws are part of their enhancing the income streams for their law practices.
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