Wednesday, April 15, 2009

"Voluntary Coast Guard"

According to Al Sharpton, that term "may be more apt" to describe Somali pirates. [More]

You know, kind of like Obama's "voluntary" service plan?

Does anyone really think such a diseased mind has any intention of letting us live in peace?


Santander said...

So would a mugger in NYC be considered part of a "Voluntary Police Force" ? :-)

Tony F.

Ha! How appropriate, the word verification for this comment is "pyrate"

Defender said...

Pyrate? God moves in mysterious ways.

That Rush guy in Congress, the sponsor of HR45, the universal gun registration nonsense. He and other members of the Black caucus visited Fidel and Raul Castro in Cuba. Said they were nice guys they wouldn't mind living next door to.
never mind the nationalization of businesses and the artificially created poverty they blams U.S. sanctions for. The thousands of political prisoners, many executed, others still jailed. It's just business.
Imagine the wages a Cuban would work for when your job and mine are relocated there.

Chris Mallory said...

How is what the pirates doing any different than what our coast guard and various tax agencies do every day? If you don't pay the tribute, they take you hostage until you pay their ransom (fines).

St. Augustine addressed this very issue. It is just a matter of scale.

jon said...

makes sense to me.

after all, it's not like the somali people signed anything asking a small group of them to go out and pretend to be a coast guard. that works the same as our coast guard.

if you want to own coast property, guard it your damn self.

of course, what does actually al know? certainly not his backside from his elbow.

Ken Hagler said...

I've read that some of the Somali pirates call themselves a "volunteer coast guard." But of course they don't wear clown suits, and everyone knows that makes all the difference.