Friday, April 24, 2009

What Will be Prosecuted

Having a gun, silly. [More]

I think I'll do a GRE column on this tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Specifically, they will prosecute 3penal code sections for firearms - brandishing, carrying concealed (or in a car) and REGISTRATION CRIMES.

Meaning, with their limited resources they will continue to prosecute law abiding, non criminals for mere possession of guns not registered to them in the CA DOJ database.

I'm glad we don't have registration yet......sheesh

Fight islam Now

jon said...

i expect to see this happen in more places. i expect to see law abiding gun owners to start law enforcing. if that be a "firearms offense," then so be it.

police aren't going to get to go home at the end of the day and wipe their hands of assaults, thefts and burglaries -- the DA is spreading the wealth around. people will certainly get to thinking about that.

so, either these communities start engendering a better attitude towards firearms -- and fast! -- or they die out and leave a ghetto behind. fine by me. i know what i would make happen in my community.

Anonymous said...

Equal protection under the law?
Selective prosecution?
Some attorneys are going to have a field day with these Bozo's that will end up costing the county more than this prosecutor thinks he will save.