Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Senate Rejects Thune Reciprocity

I'll update this as I learn more. [More]



BL said...

To bad people don't react like the guy in the movie Network.

tjbbpgobIII said...

I wonder if now they will try to revoke the agreements that already exist between the states or whether some "only one" will use this as an excuse to arrest someone from another state.

Unknown said...

It was never really going to happen. The players just needed a show to make believe that they're in support of Freedom. Now its back to biz as usual (Senators with carry permits within their own socialist states, while working hard to deny the same 'luxury' to everyone else).

Tom said...

Yeah, who needs equal protection under the law or anything like that when we can just have retired "only ones" who can carry anywhere.

Crotalus said...

Why did we need sixty votes for this to pass?

Anonymous said...

The radio station around here played a sound clip of a woman senator screaming "leave us alone, leave us alone!"

I wonder if they can hear themselves, at times.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't her, was it?

Anonymous said...

Oops--I mean him.

Longbow said...

Uhmmmm, "full faith and credit clause" and all that...?

The exact same anti arguments could be made against your driver's license.

It is a dead horse anyway. Do you have a right or not? If not then you MUST beg a permission slip from those who control you.