Monday, July 20, 2009

We're the Only OnesToo Much to Discuss Enough

Again, I never intend for this category to dominate. Sometimes, the outrages just fall in my lap.

But I'm running out of time and won't be able to post these separately:

We're the Only Ones "To Catch a Predator" Enough

We're the Only Ones Blowing Our Career Enough

We're the Only Ones Going Off Enough

Perverted. Sadistic. Corrupt. Incompetent.

Defective human beings with the power of life and death.

"Only Ones."

And some would say, more competent and trustworthy than you and I are.


straightarrow said...

Where we are now is that the two U.S. cops have been caught red-handed, one has pled guilty. Every group has it bad people, not a surprise. What will be a surprise is if these particular bad people receive the same sentences others who are not cops have received.

MamaLiberty said...

straightarrow... please don't hold your breath waiting for that. You are a nice guy and we'd hate to lose you. :( said...

ATF Falsely Accuses FBI Agent of Dealing Firearms, and ignores their own regulations. Hobbyists can legally sell a part or all of their collection at any time. If your hobby is collecting guns, then you are next. Forget the Second Amendment, it is only history. Check this out: and see what a real injustice and persucution looks like.

Anonymous said...

Sorry state of affairs...