Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gun Owners Should Support Chris Bunch for Congress

We have a politician principled enough to give us what most will not: unequivocal answers on his support for the right to keep and bear arms. [More]
I put out a second Gun Rights Examiner column today to introduce you to a citizen running for public office with guts enough to answer this with no weasel words.

I hope you appreciate that as much as I do, and do what you can to support this man, starting by sharing the GRE column link with your gun owner friends.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


IF you know ANYONE in the 10th district / Ca which is in the Walnut Creek, Danville, Contra Costa County Area of N California please call and ask them to vote for Chris Bunch and Make calls for him THIS WEEK

HE Is the only candidate that understands the constitution and the second amendment - WE NEED CHRIS BUNCH IN CONGRESS - any other candidate is more of the same SELL OUT

The party is submarining him - He needs help from Believers in Freedom - PLEASE HELP - MAKE CALLS

Please call anyone you know in Contra Costa County Ca and ask them to make calls for Chris BUNCH this week.

Thank you

Dave Licht