Friday, September 25, 2009

We're the Only Ones "Yippie Ti-Yo, Git Along Little Dogies" Enough

During a bizarre hearing there yesterday, a Superior Court judge dismissed animal-cruelty charges against a Moorestown police officer accused of sticking his penis into the mouths of five calves in rural Southampton in 2006, claiming a grand jury couldn't infer whether the cows had been "tormented" or "puzzled" by the situation or even irritated that they'd been duped out of a meal.

"If the cow had the cognitive ability to form thought and speak, would it say, 'Where's the milk? I'm not getting any milk,' " Judge
James J. Morley asked. [More]
I don't know judge. Get down in front of the defendant and and let's find out.

This may surprise you, but I say if this Robert Melia degenerate can beat the under-aged girl raps, they ought to reinstate him to the force. His presence on the exalted team would provide a valuable daily "Only Ones" illustration to everyone in Moorestown.

I thought of a caption for his mugshot: All cattle and no hat.

[Via too many of you to list]


Carl Bussjaeger said...

What I find more disturbing than this freak getting it on with critters, is that _every_ article I've seen about him only mentions the _human_ child molestration charges in passing, when they mention it at all. WTF? Is PETA writing these pieces (those idiots would put the welfare of calves ahead of children)?

Sean said...

Crossing veal off grocery list...............

Anonymous said...

No, no, no. Don't reinstate.
File new charges under possession of child porn.
(scrub eyeballs and mind with bleach. . . . .)

B Woodman

Mack said...

For all of these incidents whereby LEO's are suspended -- not fired -- I think it's relevant to ask: do they still get to possess/carry guns?

What makes cops so special anyway?

Mack said...


Great photo of the cow! I have no idea where you found it, but good for you.

Jerry said...

I grew up on a farm and had plenty of opportunity to observe cows. Calves, when nursing, will "pull" and "buck" when the milk flow isn't to their liking.

So, I'm wondering if the LEO still has his so called manhood still attached?

Sorry, could not help myself.

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

Just got a tip (thanks, Cemetery) that this is the same judge who railroaded Brian Aitken into prison.