Sunday, October 04, 2009

The Second Front

In the second major front in the war over gun rights that has developed in just days, a lawsuit has been filed against U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder seeking a court order that the federal government stay out of the way of Montana's management of its own firearms. [More]
WorldNetDaily's Bob Unruh covers the SAF/MSSA action against the feds, giving a nod to Friday's GRE piece.


W W Woodward said...

I applaud the Legislatures of Montana and Tennessee for passing into law a Firearms Freedom Act, and the legislators of other states who had the balls to introduce similar bills.

I am far from being proud of the "wait-and-see-what-happens-to-Montana" attitude adopted by Texas Lawmakers. Texas had the opportunity to join Montana and Tennessee and failed to do so.

The ghosts of the Alamo are probably looking over at Austin in disgust.

Woody [W-III]

Anonymous said...

I believe I heard Arnie Duncan and Eric Holder are due to appear in Chicago next week . I can hardly wait to be enlightened by the brain trust of "blame it on a inanimate object" rather than the thugs committing the actual crime.

Crotalus said...


Ermmm... 'scuse me whilst I reinstall my jaw.

Eric Holder telling the Feds to leave Montana alone? Hmmm... What's really going on here?

David Codrea said...

That's not what it says.

Crotalus said...

Oh. I read it wrong. The LAWSUIT against Holder is what says "stay out of Montana's affairs". Got it.

Mack said...

Glenn Beck is going to feature this today on his Fox TV show.

David Codrea said...

If anyone can get a link to posted video, please let us know.