Friday, November 13, 2009

Food Fight!

“My children have to appear in court,” Erica Russell, the mother of two eighth-grade girls who spent eight hours in jail, said Tuesday. “They were handcuffed, slammed in a wagon, had their mug shots taken and treated like real criminals.” [More]
I'm sorry, Erica. What exactly did you think they're being conditioned to be treated like?

I'll bet'cha you've been conditioned too, and just don't know it. I mean, you're from Chicago...Quick: What would you think if you saw a citizen carrying a gun?


The fight is not about food.

[Via Zachary G]


Sean said...

Forget it, David, it's Chi-town. On the other hand, why weren't these hardened criminals tasered and choke-held? What, no guns-went-off?

straightarrow said...

Well, you gotta admit Sean, in the interest of "officer safety" these cops have refined it. Must not have been any gang banger shootings or drug dealing or armed robberies and they must have already shut down all the crack houses.

Don't we all feel better knowing eight year girls are no longer a threat to society when armed with assault mashed potatoes? I know I'll sleep better just knowing that Chicago has been made safe by the brave who face unflinchingly caloric catastrophe. I suppose we should be glad the pea'ed on.

straightarrow said...

I suppose we should be glad they weren't pea'ed on.

Duh, hands slower that contempt.

straightarrow said...

Let's see here, South Side Chicago is the 'poor' side of town. Evidently not poor enough. If they were as poor as I was growing up, there is no way they would throw food, they would eat it because they would be hungry.

Perhaps that is the problem, they just have too much. Look for Daley to raid unregistered, unlicensed pantries anytime soon.