Tuesday, November 10, 2009

A Force of One

Mike Mataria said he hates guns, but a second apparent armed robbery at one of his convenience stores “forced” him to buy one. [More]
Actually, Mike, it's the people who hate guns who introduce force into the equation. They don't want you to have a say in the matter, and they're willing to set state enforcers on you to make it so.

As for DA Kochems saying “This owner going out and buying a gun is not helping his employees one whit,” maybe we should apply the same assertion to Mercer County employees--particularly the ones with guns who will be nowhere around just in case any store robber doesn't realize he's only supposed to ply his trade after hours. Which would make him more of a burglar than a robber...

Oh, and Mike? Get those gun lessons. Who knows, you might even find out that a key component of hate is ignorance...

[Via The Bitter Clinger]

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