Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Gillibrand and McCarthy to Make Illegal Gun Transactions Even More Illegal

That's pretty much the gist of today's press conference. [More]
Here's the follow-up to today's earlier Gun Rights Examiner column. There's not a lot to say because most of what they said was such BS.


Luke (alias "Lines With Chrome") said...

Special super-duper-double ultra-maximum illegal, illegal, to infinity.

THAT will show murderers we mean business.

[rolls eyes]

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a line out of Animal House, about the double-secret restriction (or whatever).

B Woodman

Carl said...

More lib speak. How illegal does an act have to be to be super-illegal? Or super-duper-illegal? Next step is making the thought of an illegal action a hate crime. If you treat the symptom, the disease will know you mean business. Quick, put a bandaid on that compound fracture!