Monday, November 02, 2009

We're the Only Ones "I Spy with My Little Eye" Enough

Cameras in a police station are nothing new for officers to deal with. But finding one in the internal affairs office interrogation room, where officers often go to rat on each other, may tear the Miami Beach Police Department apart. [More]
See, the "Only Ones" can do it to us and it's acceptable department procedure.

But if it happens to them, well, I'll let union president Gene Gibbons explain:
"It's illegal...It's completely unprofessional. It's unethical."
The law, professionalism and ethics being the subjective concepts that they are...

[Via Michael R]


straightarrow said...

Don't you just love crybabies who can't live by the rules they themselves set for everyone else?

Kevin Wilmeth said...

The gravest offense to inflict on an Only One seems to be to suggest that he's not the Onliest One. (There would seem to be myriad monkeywrenching opportunities in that thought.)

Odd, that's not much of a concern for those who aren't inclined to look down upon others as lesser beings...

H Williams said...

maybe they want use lubber burrets?