Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Victoria's Secret

Entry: 'Some people simply shouldn't have guns'
Posted/Updated: 12/15/2009 05:13 PM
Victoria - I think That People Shouldn't Have Guns Without A Permit And Age Over 25. [More]
I think she meant to say "believe," since no thinking went into this.

This is an old Gun Rights Examiner column, and people are generally smart enough to figure out that new comments are unlikely to be noticed by anyone. But in this case, there's no need to keep it a secret and I'll give her the audience she's trolling for.

I don't always do that since it tends to take the comments off topic and I don't like to see the threads get derailed. But in this case, it IS the topic.


Anonymous said...

I agree. There are some people who definately should not have guns.
Who gets to decide what person can have guns and what person is not allowed to have guns?
Remember our Constitution says no one can be deprived of their rights unless convicted by a jury of their peers.
Our government was specifically excluded from determining a persons guilt or innocence for obvious reasons.
It is impossible to pass any law which will prevent all incompetent people from possessing guns without also preventing responsible people from possessing a gun.
An approach that would work is to determine each individual misuse of a gun on a case by case basis.
Any other approach would be to punish everyone for the offence committed by a single individual.
Paul in Texas

Anonymous said...

I happen to agree with her. I say we license individuals based on a single-question test:

"Should people own guns?"

If you answer yes, then you are licensed for any firearm (including NFA firearms, without registration or tax).

If you answer no, then you are banned from purchasing or owning firearms for a period of no less than ten years.

Stupidity ought to have a price.

PeaceableGuy said...

Anon @8:45,

A license should be required for a right?

Do you have a copy of your Free Speech license? How about your license to be secure in your persons, houses, papers, and effects? We'll be sending an officer over right away to make sure your papers are in order.

straightarrow said...

"Remember our Constitution says no one can be deprived of their rights unless convicted by a jury of their peers."

Uh, NO! read it again.

Anonymous said...

I know, I know...

Simply making a joke, guys.