Thursday, December 10, 2009

We're the Only Ones Providing 100% SPF Coverage Enough

A Stability Police Force for the United States
Justification and Options for Creating U.S. Capabilities [More]
Oh, they're not talking sunscreen factors..., they're the "Only Ones" with justification, options, capabilities...?

[Via KABA Newslinks and Marc P]


Anonymous said...

"Prepared for the Army"
Domestic duty? All is ready, the tours have started.

Anonymous said...

Skimming the doc it appears the decision has been taken, now to get the dough and additional bodies authorized.

shiloh1862 said...

Yeah I suspect this is just guilding the lily.


straightarrow said...

Think Herr Muller of the SS. I wasn't very far into the document when that thought hit me.

If they think that will bring stability, they are wrong. The continued existence of its very members would be an extremely unstable proposition. There are many of us who would see to that.

Now, think Reinhard Heydrick of the SS. And every retaliation would be repayed in kind at a higher rate. WE ARE NOT GERMAN AND THUS CONDITIONED TO OBEY THOSE WHO WOULD MARCH US TO THE OVENS.

Kent McManigal said...

It might bring "stability". Consider-

Doc: "His condition has stabilized"

Patient's wife: "Thank goodness."

Doc: "Yes, he is dead."

LM said...

Hmm, all of that analysis of reasons, justification, need, and tasking... yet not one word on Legality.

Anonymous said...

LM- The court system of the USA has determined that anything the government find convenient is legal. This has been the case since at least Woodrow Wilson’s day.
Get ‘legal’ out of your head and think in terms of right and wrong.
A judges rubber stamp on tyranny will never make it right.

Anonymous said...

This force will provide enough stability for the gubmint, and its agents, to steal everything from you.