Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Increasing the Potential

In this country, law-abiding adults should have the right and the means to protect themselves in their own homes and in public places, such as streets and sidewalks.

However, carrying a weapon onto school campuses increases the potential public safety risk. [More]
Yeah, we saw that at Columbine and Virginia Tech.

Oh, wait...

Big "but" idiot.

[Via The Bitter Clinger]


Sean said...

The biggest danger to public safety is public servants. Picture a lamphrey, attached to a babys' head.

straightarrow said...

This idiotic sonofabitch contradicted himself in the very first paragraph. I want him to explain how leaving the public area and sidewalks and homes suddenly morphs the law abiding peaceful citizen into a murdering, careless, monster because he left one public area and went to another (school). Or does he think it is just peachy keen to commit all those wrongs on the sidewalk that he assumes will happen if someone entered a campus area?