Saturday, January 30, 2010

We're the Only Ones Making Hip Shots Enough

Utah officer accidentally shoots self in hip [More]
Ah, another nominee for the coveted Lee Paige Medallion, in recognition of the "Only Ones professional enough" to carry a gun.

On the plus side, at least the article doesn't tell us "the gun went off."

[Via Brent T]

1 comment:

MamaLiberty said...

police policy generally calls for weapons to be loaded when an officer is on duty or preparing for work.

No kidding. Unloaded is sort of useless. I wonder if the "policy" indicates that it is a good idea to keep the booger hook off the trigger while holstering...

And, does he have some sort of a hair trigger? Mine would require something substantially more than an accidental brush with it to fire.

Wonder what the REAL story is. [grin]