Monday, January 04, 2010

We're the Only Ones...

...shocking the children enough...

...intimidating enough...

...dressed to kill enough...

...settled enough...

[Via FFFW]


straightarrow said...

Thanks for starting my day by making sure I am royally pissed off.

But I must say you really acted "appropriately" as opposed to officially appropriately, which seems to be fatal to unarmed women and children. Chavalia is a coward I do hope his entire family shun him. I hope every time another cop passes his desk duty job, he is greeted with "hi, sissy boy."

I hope he contracts a debilitating disease that doesn't kill him but makes him wish he were dead.

Perhaps he can get a date with the SC trooper in a red dress, and only him.

Anonymous said...

Cop busted for DUI? No problem, slap on the wrist.

Cop busted for DUI while cross-dressing? That's so embarrassing he must be fired!