Wednesday, March 17, 2010

We're the Only Ones Up in Your Grill Enough

...McCoy ended up spitting out blood and teeth after a sheriff’s lieutenant reached into his mouth and yanked out the grill. [More]
Putting some teeth into child support laws, "Only Ones" style...

[Via Harvey]


Steve K said...

The comments section of this article should be utter enlightenment for LEO worshipers.

Anonymous said...

I was looking for another reference, but this one will also do the trick:

Somali jihadists forcibly remove gold teeth:

Tom Wolff said...

I'm with Steve K on this one. Reading the comments over there, it seems they all think it is a "good thing" that some guy had his teeth destroyed. I'm pissed and disgusted. I don' care if he was a neo-nazi skinhead or a Blood/Crip. That crap jus' ain't right! Slippery slopes and all...

Anonymous said...

Well - at least the guy was punished!! According to the article:

"The sheriff’s lieutenant was demoted and suspended."

What more do you want? <g>

straightarrow said...

What more do you want?

His teeth knocked out.

jselvy said...

What more do you want?

5-20 for aggravated assault and battery on a defenseless citizen.

Another 10 for assault under color of authority

David Codrea said...

What I want is a culture where minor abuses are not tolerated so that no one ever "evolves" to the point where they think they can perpetrate major ones.

What I want is a culture where those we're assured are "good apples" don't turn a blind eye.