Wednesday, March 24, 2010

We're the Only Ones Warning for Compliance Enough

When confronted by a robber, police encourage store clerks to comply with demands for money or items. [More]
What if they demand more than your money or items? And how will you know until it's too late?

Well, let's see...

I can listen to highly professional and trained Modesto "Only Ones" and the Toledo Blade...or I can listen to the guy in the video at that link...

Hey Officer Scott Nelson: Bite me.


Longbow said...

When faced with evil, just submit to it.

What kind of a fucked-up mind thinks that this is good advice? What kind of a twisted mind thinks this way?

I'll tell you what kind. The fucked-up minds of would-be controllers and tyrants. Officer Scott Nelson of Modesto PD thinks that way.

What about the option to resist evil? What about the option to overcome evil? What about the option to destroy evil?

Would-be controllers/tyrants don't want you to consider such a thing do they?

straightarrow said...

Will Nelson take his own advice? We can only hope.

Kent McManigal said...

Police are just like abusive parents: they don't care if you are killed just as long as you don't annoy them as you die.

Tom Wolff said...

What a moron this guy is.
Logic would dictate that he will now go on duty unarmed.

When pigs fly...

(Pun purely intended)