It's no wonder that someone incapable of honoring his oath to the Constitution, to the courts or to his wife and child would hate those who view keeping their oaths as a matter of honor—and thus resort to portraying them as the haters. Not that we should ever expect anything different from this lying, self-serving stain on the nation's honor...[More]Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a pathological liar who hates those who don't share his moral defects.
Also find out who's on the SPLC blacklist. Sadly, I did not make it.
Share the link with enough friends and help me rectify that?
Mark Potok is definitely on my "Domestic Enemies" list. Along with every political hack associated with the Bush-Clinton Crime Family, and the newly minted King Zero Bankster Cartel. "Domestic Enemies" indeed.
Keep up the good work.
You know, maybe I'm just talking out of my ass here, but it's sad how far the Democrats have fallen.
I mean, JFK was flawed, but I don't think he hated the country like the current crop of libtards do.
Who care about what this tard, Clinton, has to say? Since when has he ever had any credibility?
the eloquent parts were eloquent and the stone cold lies were stone cold lies. typical politician.
problem is: the oklahoma city bombing has nothing to do with following the constitution, because even if some group willing to get real violent was 1) pretending to be a militia 2) mimicking pro-constitution arguments like a mynah bird -- which both koresh and elohim city obviously have little in common with, so where does he think he got this experience, exactly? -- even if you had this group and you were the next bill clinton and you were willing to appease these "crazies" from the seat of the presidency, it wouldn't be enough and they'd still go ape shit and hurt people, or at least continue to threaten it to get their way, because you'd have just demonstrated that it works. so it's pure tautology. a fictional bogeyman. and so he is lying through his teeth to conflate the two as hard as possible: people who will demonstrate and speak freely to bring attention to the obligation he and the other 534 willfully signed up to -- nobody made them do it -- are to be considered one and the same as this fictional threat to global stability or whatever.
so, is that anything like the threat to global stability whose breeding ground you bombed into existence over in eastern europe, mr. clinton, by turning the civil component of their societies into dust and ashes? i'm sure you'd recognize the name, sir.
"al qaeda."
an excerpt of 33 questions about american history you're not supposed to ask: clinton stacks the bosnian deck with mujaheddin. later, they get passports.
The big scary bravely anonymous strikes again.
Bill Clinton Quote 4-19-94:
"When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans ... And so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to move to limit it. That's what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing projects, about how we're going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities."
Like Virginia Tech and Mt. Carmel.
Anon, you had better hope you're wrong.
Troll deleted.
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