Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gun Owners Should Thank 'Embarrassing' Mayor Daley

As Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass notes, the mayor has embarrassed himself and the city. If I would quibble it would be to suggest Daley is, without question, an embarrassment, but his combative reaction to those marveling at his buffoonery shows him incapable of the embarrassment a non-sociopath would feel. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at how the antis discredit themselves for all rational people to see.


Anonymous said...

Was Daley Jr. also in a street gang like his father?

Is he just protecting his old pals from armed citizens?

A conflicted man can not serve two masters, the public or their criminal cohorts.

Robocop said...

Perhaps a two faced man can serve two masters.