This is a placeholder for now because I have not had ads on this blog for years. In case I ever start up again, this will be the policy in effect:
The FTC has some fool nonsense rules about ads on blogs or some such and presumes authority over the First Amendment to compel the unfunded mandate that we who earn ad revenues make some kind of disclosure so you don't think we're getting paid to say nice things about people or God knows what, meaning they must think you're stupid, too. I have had a few ads on this site in the past and may do so again if I think it's worth a try. Combined, I probably couldn't buy a box of good cigars each year, let alone a bottle of George T. Stagg, and that is somehow supposed to compromise my morality to force me to say nice things about products and services I don't mean simply in exchange for filthy lucre. If you believe that, leave now--you're not smart enough to be here. Bottom line, aside from welcoming a sponsor, I will do no posts related to their products or services, or reviews of what they offer.
About "The Only Ones"
The purpose of this feature has never been to bash cops. The only reason I do this is to amass a credible body of evidence to present when those who would deny our right to keep and bear arms use the argument that only government enforcers are professional and trained enough to do so safely and responsibly. And it's also used to illustrate when those of official status, rank or privilege, both in law enforcement and in some other government position, get special breaks not available to we commoners, particularly (but not exclusively) when they're involved in gun-related incidents.
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I've spoken to several Mexicans asking them about the meaning of Cinco de Mayo. Most of them said it was a day to party. Had no idea of the historical significance of the date.
Troll alert on Anon's post.
Anon - that a pretty long leap. Is it racist to wear an American flag in the U.S.? Fuck you. Wear your Mexican flag with pride.
When was the last time a student was ejected for wearing a Mexican flag?
Mr.Boden. I just read your note to parents and your hopes for academic success. Let me be the first to offer my condolences on your failure. Below are the reasons that your failure is a foregone conclusion.
I also just read of the intimidation of five students for having the audacity to wear Tee-shirts with the American flag represented thereon. The rationale for the intimidation and the sending home of these students was that Cinco De Mayo is a Mexican Holiday.
Hey dummy! MEXICAN holiday, celebrated in MEXICO, by Mexicans. If it is such an intense personal identity problem for your students wishing to celebrate Cinco De Mayo, let them go to Mexico to do so, or do it on their own time at their own venue, not on an AMERICAN Public shcool campus to the exclusion of all other expressions of patriotism.
What you have done is idiotic in the extreme. It reveals in you deep character flaws and great lack of judgment and moral courage. Please resign and sell used cars, or something where those character flaws are expected.
Do not begin the racist crap, either . A great part of my family came here from other places, a great part of them from Mexico. Guess what? They didn't celebrate Cinco De Mayo because they became and were proud to be Americans. The celebrated the Hell out of Independence Day.
Please resign, you are an embarrassment to humanity and I am ashamed you are my countryman.
Since the feds have coopted and corrupted the "Stars and Stripes" I consider it the Federal Flag now. It adorns the enemy's uniforms and vehicles, and flies high over their institutions of tyranny and cowardice. It is no more "mine" than the Mexican, Canadian, or Australian flags. And that's fine. I don't need it; I have my own anyway.
I've asked several Hispanic surname citizens the significance of Cinco de Mayo and have been told on every occasion that the 5th of May is the date of Mexican independence from Spain.
These folks have no idea that Cinco de Mayo refers to the battle of Puebla on 5 May 1862, where 4000 Mexican troops with the assistance of several hundred Indians, a severe thunderstorm and a herd of stampeding cattle defeated 8000 French troopers and delayed the defeat of Mexico and the installation of Maximillion I as Emperor of Mexico for about a year.
The "holiday" was actually instituted in the land of fruits and nuts (California) and has been all but ignored in Mexico.
Currently the holiday is used as an excuse to eat bar-b-que, dance, drink, and fight with no thought given to what actually occurred on 5 May 1862.
Anonymous, you may call me a hatriot, because I am patriotic and I do hate everybody in the country who is not and who tries to harm it. That means you. One of the mistakes we make is when we try to pretend we have the emotional equipment of an amoeba, and that we have not evolved to the coginitive state of knowing what is hateful. It is our duty to make it known we hate your ilk. That's right, our duty. Thereby possibly discouraging you and your ilk from committing that which cannot be tolerated or unpunished. It is not because you deserve the consideration, because you do not. We however, do. We are mostly peaceable and really don't want to harm anyone. That does not mean we won't. It means we won't trespass you or your rights. It means we will not tolerate you trespassing ours and will hurt you if you do.
Now if you want to call me a hatriot, go right ahead. I hate your kind and I am patriotic. If you call me a racist you are a liar. Worse, you are a coward if you do not come to 338 MC 171, Doddridge, Ar. and say it to my face. Or apologize. But I suspect you are not enough man for either.
SA, I took the trash out again--he keeps returning over a sick obsession with me, and you're right, he is a coward--afraid to even confront me personally by email. That said, he gets off on replies--I've seen him do it before. Best policy--just let me keep throwing him out. The good thing is, in order to get anything to stick, he needs to do it late at night when most visitors will never see it, and it only takes me a second to flush him.
The key here is to know that he's obsessed enough to keep doing this. So let him be obsessed--it means he's miserable, which is a good thing.
I know David, but my reply to him will serve for others who think like he does. They may as well know that some of us do not adhere to moral equivalency and/or relativism.
I've spoken to several Mexicans asking them about the meaning of Cinco de Mayo. Most of them said it was a day to party. Had no idea of the historical significance of the date.
Troll alert on Anon's post.
Anon - that a pretty long leap. Is it racist to wear an American flag in the U.S.? Fuck you. Wear your Mexican flag with pride.
When was the last time a student was ejected for wearing a Mexican flag?
Get the picture, fucktard?
I take the trash out Ned. It amuses me to know I weigh so heavily on this coward's mind that he keeps returning.
My email to Boden;
Mr.Boden. I just read your note to parents and your hopes for academic success. Let me be the first to offer my condolences on your failure. Below are the reasons that your failure is a foregone conclusion.
I also just read of the intimidation of five students for having the audacity to wear Tee-shirts with the American flag represented thereon. The rationale for the intimidation and the sending home of these students was that Cinco De Mayo is a Mexican Holiday.
Hey dummy! MEXICAN holiday, celebrated in MEXICO, by Mexicans. If it is such an intense personal identity problem for your students wishing to celebrate Cinco De Mayo, let them go to Mexico to do so, or do it on their own time at their own venue, not on an AMERICAN Public shcool campus to the exclusion of all other expressions of patriotism.
What you have done is idiotic in the extreme. It reveals in you deep character flaws and great lack of judgment and moral courage. Please resign and sell used cars, or something where those character flaws are expected.
Do not begin the racist crap, either . A great part of my family came here from other places, a great part of them from Mexico. Guess what? They didn't celebrate Cinco De Mayo because they became and were proud to be Americans. The celebrated the Hell out of Independence Day.
Please resign, you are an embarrassment to humanity and I am ashamed you are my countryman.
Charles H. Sawders.
Since the feds have coopted and corrupted the "Stars and Stripes" I consider it the Federal Flag now. It adorns the enemy's uniforms and vehicles, and flies high over their institutions of tyranny and cowardice. It is no more "mine" than the Mexican, Canadian, or Australian flags. And that's fine. I don't need it; I have my own anyway.
Forget it, Jake - It's California.
That's about the response I got from a few people. I'm sickened and disturbed, but not surprised.
The Constitution really is seen as a rolling paper or toilet paper by these hypocrites.
Imagine if those Americans had worn:
1) The Gadsden Flag!
2) The Confederate Battle Flag
3) "Molon Labe!"
4) "Live Free or Die!"
5) "Give me Liberty..."
Sure, just send 'em all home. That's the ticket.
How interesting that "Anonymous" would "mistake" David for Cornelius Zelea Codreanu here... A slip of the old IP... er... tongue, perhaps?
He's gone, CG--I take out the trash around here.
If May 5 is of such significance to the Mexican-Americans, why were they at school?
I've asked several Hispanic surname citizens the significance of Cinco de Mayo and have been told on every occasion that the 5th of May is the date of Mexican independence from Spain.
These folks have no idea that Cinco de Mayo refers to the battle of Puebla on 5 May 1862, where 4000 Mexican troops with the assistance of several hundred Indians, a severe thunderstorm and a herd of stampeding cattle defeated 8000 French troopers and delayed the defeat of Mexico and the installation of Maximillion I as Emperor of Mexico for about a year.
The "holiday" was actually instituted in the land of fruits and nuts (California) and has been all but ignored in Mexico.
Currently the holiday is used as an excuse to eat bar-b-que, dance, drink, and fight with no thought given to what actually occurred on 5 May 1862.
Anonymous, you may call me a hatriot, because I am patriotic and I do hate everybody in the country who is not and who tries to harm it. That means you. One of the mistakes we make is when we try to pretend we have the emotional equipment of an amoeba, and that we have not evolved to the coginitive state of knowing what is hateful. It is our duty to make it known we hate your ilk. That's right, our duty. Thereby possibly discouraging you and your ilk from committing that which cannot be tolerated or unpunished. It is not because you deserve the consideration, because you do not. We however, do. We are mostly peaceable and really don't want to harm anyone. That does not mean we won't. It means we won't trespass you or your rights. It means we will not tolerate you trespassing ours and will hurt you if you do.
Now if you want to call me a hatriot, go right ahead. I hate your kind and I am patriotic. If you call me a racist you are a liar. Worse, you are a coward if you do not come to 338 MC 171, Doddridge, Ar. and say it to my face. Or apologize. But I suspect you are not enough man for either.
SA, I took the trash out again--he keeps returning over a sick obsession with me, and you're right, he is a coward--afraid to even confront me personally by email. That said, he gets off on replies--I've seen him do it before. Best policy--just let me keep throwing him out. The good thing is, in order to get anything to stick, he needs to do it late at night when most visitors will never see it, and it only takes me a second to flush him.
The key here is to know that he's obsessed enough to keep doing this. So let him be obsessed--it means he's miserable, which is a good thing.
I know David, but my reply to him will serve for others who think like he does. They may as well know that some of us do not adhere to moral equivalency and/or relativism.
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