Thursday, June 10, 2010

Bias and Ignorance-Based Police Authority a Danger to Liberty

What have you ordered your deputies to do should they encounter an armed citizen? When you say your position is you won't allow it, does that mean you're prepared to have your agents use armed force to stop it? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes that being unlawfully denied fundamental rights during a day at the park is no picnic.

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1 comment:

Mark Roote said...

Oh goody... :)
I live one county over from this dumb@&%, it looks like I'll be making regular trips to their parks on the motorcycle this summer. Did I mention that when I go anywhere (other than work where it is, unfortunately, not permitted by the bosses) since 4-19 that I go openly armed in accordance with the laws. Which in PA, since I have a LTCF (license to carry firearms, not a ccw/ccp as in other states... legal mumbo jumbo, makes no difference), means that I can carry openly pretty much everywhere in the state with few exceptions (Court facilities, federal facilities, detention facilities and airport terminals (secure areas only).
In accordance with PA state law, 18 PACS ss 6120, "Cities, towns and municipalities are prohibited by PA law from enacting laws prohibiting concealed or open carry"
I also travel with copies of the Pocket US Constitution (from NCCS) and copies of the Pennsylvania Gun Rights handout available from PA Open Carry.
I have no intention of being a martyr, but by God, I'm done giving up my rights and liberties. I've become a bit confrontational when it comes to my rights... I had an argument with an "officer" that I went through school with last week. Our conversation ended with me telling him "You can take me to jail, but I can take you to court, and the law really is on my side, go read it for yourself, I did."
OK, enough ranting... time to have fun in good ole Lackawanna County :)