Of course, if I own the organization, I just certify myself. [More]If it's not legally defined, why not? Here--you have as much right to present this to yourself as anyone:

And how about this exemption?
(1) Section 2 does not apply to any of the following: (d) The national guard, armed forces reserves, or other duly authorized military organization.Is US Code "authorized" enough?
What part of "§ 6 Bearing of arms" in the Michigan Constitution do these people (including Mr. Gillman) not understand:
Sec. 6. Every person has a right to keep and bear arms for the defense of himself and the
History: Const. 1963, Art. I, §6, Eff. Jan. 1, 1964.
Former Constitution: See Const. 1908, Art. II, §5.
Notice that no time, place or legal qualification has been placed on owning or carrying any means of self-defense. By reason of Marbury v.s. Madison, a law passed without constitutional authority is no law at all. None of the things described in this piece can be legally done in Michigan barring an amendment overturning section 6.
Treason has been committed by the Michigan legislature by passing these laws without the amendment. By the above words, all citizens including ex-felons have guaranteed rights to defend themselves by whatever means come within their control. Following the principles set out by Madison and Hamilton in the Federalist Papers, these means include any military weapon, including atomic weapons.
Suppose, as is its constitutional right, GM chose to own its own atomic arsenal. Do you think they might demand and receive more respect from the legislature? Do you suppose they might still be a powerful source of employment and revenue in Detroit instead of a federally-dominated ghost of an industry?
Lawmakers as high priests. Enough!
Power flows from the bottom upward. Starve the Beast.
I saw a documentary about the Czech Velvet Revolution. They drove the Communists out just by standing in the public squares chanting. Absolute refusal to legitimize the corrupt system any longer through tax money, obedience, even passive cooperation.
They just had a 5.0 earthquake in upper Michigan. Irate patriots?
You know David, all of my gun safety instructor and lawyer friends tell me the same thing: test cases are for other people. Although, I suppose I could send a letter to the MI AG stating that I'll be traveling through the state and carrying under MCL 28.432(1)(d) and see if I can hear the shrieks of outrage from my home in Minnesota . . .
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