Thursday, July 01, 2010

NRA to score Kagan vote

What remains to be explained:

How will the vote factor in to candidate evaluations?

How has the earlier Sotomayor vote been factored in? [More]
Today's development warranted a second Gun Rights Examiner column.

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Anonymous said...

Now that the NRA is going to draw attention to 1/9 of the voters who destroy our natural rights, does it mean that Gen. Sebastian Snowflake's assertion of the NRA's infallibility was wrong?

Or was he/ were they correct both before and after their deigning to sit on their hands?

Defender said...

Kagan has intimated that she doesn't give a damn about rights or what's right, what Congress says should be what goes. The NRA may be getting concerned about their own First Amendment rights, having made the deal with the devil to be exempt from DISCLOSE provisions. That was pre-Kagan. Now the other shoe's gonna drop. Gotcha!
The time to stand up was during the 2008 election, when the NRA supported "electable" namby-pambies instead of lesser-known staunch freedom advocates whom they could have MADE better-known.