Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Every Move You Make, Every StepYou Take, I'll Be Watching You

If anyone else did this they'd be rightly considered depraved stalkers, and just as rightly repelled.

Figures it's from those traitors (save Kozinski) in the Ninth Circuit.

[Via Tom R]


jon said...

if it's just a receiver, you can jam it without even knowing whether it's there. you can jam everyone's in perhaps a quarter mile radius, on their behalf. they have to triangulate you to find you, and they have to be looking for you to triangulate you, and since the device doesn't transmit anyway, they have to come personally pick it up, at which point they discover you've been feeding it your own GPS beacons at 0.5W that indicate you've been commuting from portugal to tajikistan every day for the ol' 9 to 5.

and if it's a transmitter, it's easy for you to find as soon as it squawks, whether SMS or GPRS or anything else, and cut it off and sell it on ebay. we're talking perhaps $1200 in equipment just hanging from the bottom of your car, here.

Sean said...

They won't be watching me very closely after the guy who does this shows up at a hospital with both eyes missing.

Pat H. said...

There are a number of solutions to this problem, including some to nullify the government's activities completely.

The X Sweeper and the lower priced Digital Scout can be purchased by anyone to locate and enable removal of any location device.

That's something of which most in the intelligence community are well aware can be negated by a much lower cost solution.

In the words of the late Douglas Adams, to the DEA and any other agency that wants to donate some electronic devices to our side, "thanks for all the fish".

Ned said...

Thanks for the links Pat.

Of course it's only drug dealers who have the money to buy security devices like these - everyone I know is beyond broke. I'm sure that wasn't an accident either...