Tuesday, August 03, 2010

"Pro-Gun Democrats"

U.S. Sens. Max Baucus and Jon Tester both said Monday they support confirming Elena Kagan as a Supreme Court justice. [More]
Aid and comfort.

See, to me, this is a betrayal and nothing less than an enemy action.

I'm sure those who equate the deadly serious business of restoring recognition of our unalienable rights with a chess game will tell us about about all the "good" things these two opportunists have done, and will also make "limited political capital" excuses.

Moral capital is unlimited, but it rarely factors into the dialog.


Crucis said...

There are no Pro-Gun democrats. If they say they are, they're lying. The whole term is an oxymoron.

Defender said...

Kagan's comments during her confirmation hearing proved -- they did not hint, or indicate, or imply, they proved -- that she believes the Constitution and Bill of Rights are open to interpretation by people like California Rep. Fortney "Pete" Stark. Stark says he sees very few constitutional controls on laws the government can make that would regulate our private lives. He also said "there's very little the federal government can't do."
A vote for Kagan is not only a vote AGAINST gun rights, but FOR statism. I don't care how many small-issue pro-gun votes Baucus and Tester have cast. It could all be swept away in one day by an Obama Supreme Court and they know it. They're playing to both sides, and everybody loses.

MS said...

Pro-gun Democrats are as real as Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, and Pro-life Democrats.

If it's contrary to the party line, don't expect it to be defended by these swill-merchants.