Friday, August 20, 2010

A Sign of the Times

Vanderboegh evidently agrees with Lady Bird Johnson...or something.

Yeah, it's got to be "or something," because her beef was with private sector billboards.

1 comment:

Sean said...

I'm just fed up with ads period. That's all TV and radio is anymore. The morons even call me up in the day and sometimes night, with a stupid ad trying to sell me something I don't want. The mail box is stuffed with them, six days a week. And of course, the roads are plagued by them. Morons here wander around, with an ad on their shirt, and pants and hat. If you attempt to watch a blog video, you have to sit through a !!#$##%#$^#$%&* ad. If you buy a hamburger in the drive thru, go to a grocery, department, or any store really, you have ads, ads, ads shoved in your face. The GD aisle in the grocery stores have motion-detector ads that start talking to you when you walk by. The people who work in the grocery store won't leave you alone when you go in, or shut up, and shout on the PA system, ads. It's nothing but crap everywhere you go.