Friday, September 24, 2010

Speaking of Dead Elephants...

Correspondent W3 sent along some thoughts on an elephant struggling to pull through, and gave me permission to share them here:
The National Republican party’s 2010 Pledge to America.

Pretty words and admirable sentiments, but is everyone in the GOP committed? Or, is this pledge scheduled to expire on November 3rd like the oath to protect and defend the Constitution expires the first time it becomes inconvenient?

Is the GOP committed to repeal all unconstitutional legislation and abolish all bureaus and departments that are unconstitutional?

Is the GOP committed to remind the Supreme Court that it was not established by those who framed the Constitution to interpret the clear words of the Constitution according to the prejudice of individual justices?

Is the GOP committed to remind the president of his limitations as to informal declarations of war and to presidential orders that carry the weight of legislation that only the legislative branch is authorized to pass?

Is the GOP really serious, or does it plan to return to business as usual after November 3rd?

We need to think about this before any of it is taken at face value.

Y'all take care
I went to a local "Tea Party" event a few days back and left in disgust as the career politicians elicited cheers from a well-intentioned but manipulable crowd--when they rattled off the name of a notorious GOP gungrabber, I decided not to embarrass my son by yelling "Bullshit!"

The one guy there who deserved a microphone and a place on the podium was an old man passing out photocopies of his treatise on why we should end the Federal Reserve--and he, of course, was relegated to the role of obscure kook.

Clinton was the guy who popularized "It's the economy, stupid!"

They love it when we pick up that meme--it becomes an "If they can get you asking the wrong questions" opportunity for those who rely on misdirection.

It's the Constitution. Limit the government to delegated powers and forbid usurpation where not authorized, and the economy will work itself out.

That's just the beachhead, by the way, not the end game. Who knows what bold experiments in Liberty would yield productive results if only allowed to be conducted without being co-opted or forbidden by the coercion and control crowd?

As things stand, I see a whole lotta teajackin' going on.


jon said...

yeah i'm not really sure why it's so hard for conservatives to get on board with auditing and potentially ending the fed.

who runs the show? if the congress cannot audit the fed, the congress does not control the fed. so the fed is sovereign. and what does the fed do? it supports the supply of money and its value by fixing interest rates. what does congress do? spend money.

this is really a no-brainer.

auditing the fed demonstrates that the government is still sovereign, can still stop spending, can still control the purse strings. if the government is not the thing in control, then it isn't the state, and well, shucks, as an anarcho-capitalist i really have nothing to complain about -- except that the fed is now the entire state, and power is concentrated even more centrally than before.

so here's your new map of the united states. there's 12 of them.

Sean said...

The GOP, always in a November 3rd state of mind.............

Mack said...

Very sharp reality check. Others have similar comments.

However, over at National Review....


Defender said...

If Republicans are the answer, it must be a really stupid question. When they held a congressional majority and the White House, they enlarged government almost as much as that other party. They installed privacy-killing laws Clinton could only dream about. They promise us anything to get or stay in office, then "Who are you again?"

BrianF said...

I caught teajacker on faux news last night. My initial impression was that this guy thinks we can't see through his slight of hand.
Denniger had some good points on why this manifesto is a complete waste of words.

Anonymous said...

Teajackers - exactly

This BS "Pledge" is a blatant attempt at incombant protection and having the "celebrity rinos" sieze the spotlight.

Torches and pitchforks!!!

Fight islam Now

Defender said...

Thank you, thank you, David, for reminding us about Romney and Steele. The fact that they remain leaders in the R party is testament to our status as wayward children who need to be told what's good for us, in their eyes.
The Tea Party candidates I've read about sound more like fellow citizens, pro-choice on EVERYTHING, than would-be overseers.

Yenta of Sipsey Street said...

Voted early here in GA this week. King Roy is a joke and Nathan Deal left Congress one step ahead of the ethics committee, unlike Charlie Rangel. Only choice here is Libertarian. Not a throw-away vote this year.