Thursday, September 09, 2010

That's One Way to Squelch Free Speech

"We definitely plan on sending him the bill"...[More]
I'd burn the bill, too.

I hear people claim this is going to make radical Muslims hate us and want to kill us, and I'm kind of wondering what all the fuss to date has been about.

[Via Ed M]

UPDATE: So when the government does it, it's a "force protection measure." What does it say about the comparative state of civilizations that this has not resulted in widespread flag-burnings and death threats?

UPDATE 2: Looks like there'll be no bonfire of the vanities after all. Did you catch the comment from "Must Kill Christians"? Y'know, I don't support the idea of burning books because it smacks too much of the group that made that "famous" 'n all, but stuff like this makes me think "Smoke 'em if you got 'em."


Defender said...

A poster at offers to NOT burn a Koran if Muslims will refrain from stoning an adultress to death. Or was it a rape victim, for "conduct inconsistent with chastity"?

W W Woodward said...

They already hate us and want to kill us. So what's new.

With all the crap the media and the state has thrown at the preacher they've made it almost impossible for him to back down.

Personally, I don't appreciate the idea of burning any book, whether it be "Lady Chatterly's Lover", a copy of the King James version of the Bible, last month's issue of Spiderman, or a copy of the Quran, but as long as the book is bought and paid for by whomever wants to burn it he can do with his personal property as he sees fit and I don't have a dog in the fight.

It's not the paper and binding any way. It's the words and ideas.


MamaLiberty said...

A book is a collection of paper and ink. If the preacher or his congregation own them, they have every right to do as they please with them - foolish or not.

The hypocrisy of the Muslims making "death threats" and burning the US flag in protest is pretty incredible and shows the demented mindset of people who don't even have any respect for themselves.

Anonymous said...

Odd. I read that persons in Saudi Arabia who are caught with Bibles are subject to all manner of nastiness, including shredding of the confiscated Bibles, police arrest, etc.:

I'm not in favor of burning the Koran, but turnabout is fair play, no?

jon said...

burning a quran is sort of like burning a flag. you either owned that one, or you didn't but you just bought it, and now you have to pay for it.

of course, it isn't possible to burn THE quran. information isn't tangible and doesn't die. public education notwithstanding.

Defender said...

My wife said she heard on the news that there were calls abroad for killing American children over this. At least they had better have been abroad.
I think the pastor has made his point many times over.

Sean said...

Ain't no BOOK, that I want to burn.

Crotalus said...

They burn or destroy our Bibles all the time, so they don't get to protest with any legitimacy. The big difference, of course, is that Christians don't go around murdering people who burn our Bibles. Muslims commit all sorts of mayhem, the radical ones, anyway.