Sunday, October 31, 2010

NYC gun proposal gets mixed response from store owners

Bloomberg's gotta love this guy.

The good thing about freedom, Mr. Elfaki, is you have the right to do as you please here. No one is intent on forcing a gun on you—except, of course, those people who want what is yours. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column points Big Apple predators to a story that tells them where they can go to get not only a great deli meal, but also a willing bared throat.

Also note:

  • I'll be on Tom Gresham's Gun Talk Radio today in the 2:00 pm EST segment. Click here to find a radio station in your area or to listen via live streaming.
  • I'll be on Armed American Radio with Mark Walters this evening at 8:00 pm EST.  Click here to find a radio station in your area, or click here to listen live. [NOTE: I've advised Mark about the links not working so he can get tech support to fix it. UPDATE: If all else fails, go here to listen live.]
Can I count on you site regulars to share the link?


Defender said...

Does Mr. Elfaki not understand that criminals will do him like a halal goat with his own large kitchen knives, take the bloodstained money from his cash register and laugh all the way to their illegal drug dealer's hangout?
He obviously DOES understand that in New York, you and I ARE criminals. We own guns without anybody's permission slip. He wants that stopped.
He does NOT understand that he's asking for war.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Mateo is a more worthy target, methinks than Mr. Elfaki:

Fernando Mateo’s group, Hispanics Across America, plans to distribute gun permit applications to 14,000 bodega owners across the city…

IOW, "Ethnic leader's lukewarm RKBA advocacy wants his co-ethnics to place themselves on government watch lists."

One argument that actually has met, in my experience, with some success in discussions with NYC GFWs is to walk a few blocks and point out the likely people CCWing,
e.g. how there's almost always two men in owner run bodgas, out in the store area, and note how they are dressed, etc. Then discuss the FL experience with "shall issue"