Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Does the Tea Party have a 'gun problem'?

As for Tea Partiers having a reversal of citizen disarmament laws on their agenda, from his lips to God's ears. Here I've been worried about teajacking RINOs. [Read]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column looks at a radical revolutionary screaming "Radical revolutionary!"

Also listen to Sunday's "Armed American Radio show.  If you prefer, you can watch it, at least the last two hours.

Will you site regulars share the link?

1 comment:

Defender said...

I can see why the Left would be concerned about independent thinkers' guns. It could mean that when people like these Democrat fanatics attacked and they weren't content to just shout obscenities and tear up signs, and the police watched from down there on the corner, innocent peaceful people exercising THEIR free speech MIGHT come out unscathed:
