Wednesday, December 08, 2010

A Domestic Terrorist

A teenage hunter in Montana is facing a school hearing in a few days that could derail her college plans, career hopes and even risk her identification as a "domestic terrorist" after she inadvertently parked in a school parking lot with a hunting rifle locked in a case inside her car trunk. [More]
Gary Marbut issued an email alert on this yesterday and I just had too much on my plate to address it. Glad to see Bob Unruh has done his typical excellent job of laying out the essentials.

Yeah, the blessings of Liberty will be secured by hammering this girl down on  the "zero tolerance" anvil.

Every time I see some functionary falling back on that as an excuse to preempt human volition, it reaffirms how subversive the hive mentality is.


Defender said...

"she remembered her unloaded rifle and volunteered the information to school officials."
Poor dear. She didn't know what she was dealing with and expected them to be reasonable. She wasn't even technically in violation of the law because the rifle was still outside the school BUILDING. As if that matters.
She should have skipped the rest of the day (or suddenly started feeling unwell) and taken herself and her rifle home, and gotten in trouble for THAT instead. Most likely, she's the kind of girl that finds even playing hooky unthinkable. They're the ones who will suffer most.
Collateral damage of the War on Drugs.

Defender said...

Virginia Tech violated federal law in not alerting all students of two shooting deaths for hours, report says.