Friday, December 31, 2010

Ohio gun ruling must be followed up with police training

There’s more at issue than that—nothing less than the lives and safety of gun owners who are breaking no law—but are nonetheless being physically endangered by those sworn to uphold and protect the law. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column notes the biggest danger presented by open carry comes from "Only Ones" openly carrying in the service of the state.

Also catch the premier (well, at least en encore performance) of Gun Talk TV, and then resolve to do...uh...everything.

Resolve to openly carry the link to your friends?


It's New Year's Eve and I'm prepping for a big family dinner, so that's it for today.  Sorry to all who sent me links.  I do note John Longenecker has a new Safer Streets edition out, and you can catch the latest from my fellow GREs from the sidebar links.

Happy New Year, everybody.  My older brother is bringing over some Spanish champagne (oh, excuse me, purists, "sparkling wine"), and James Towle sent me a cigar for Christmas that tonight will meet a fiery doom.


One update I simply had to share: These evil subversives will be astonished if they keep pushing--or if they're not, we'll have failed. The only confusion is that which they intentionally create through lies and manipulation.

Translation is only needed to decipher the intent of these Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists: What they're saying is, we can't claim our rights because we don't understand them.  So somebody will have to define the lengths of our chains for us.  And they'll explain it in terms we can understand.

I guess until one of them disappears and is erased and a new explanation supplants the last one...


Anonymous said...

Ezra who?

David Codrea said...

Pound for Pound, they're worse.

MamaLiberty said...

Happy New Year sounds a bit simplistic, but it is what I truly hope for all of us.

I've been disappointed before. sigh

Enjoy what you've got while you've got it.

I'll think of all my friends here as I lift my wee dram of Glenlivit. :)

W W Woodward said...

I have read and re-read the Constitution for the United States of America on numerous occasions and find nothing confusing about it. Of course I attended school back when public schools actually offered instruction in English, sentence structure, history, reading comprehension, spelling, and English grammar, and went to a college where questioning statements made by professors was actually encouraged.

I would like to give Ezra Klein the benefit of the doubt and assume that he is merely puking forth the drivel he swallowed in whatever progressive environment he was programmed. The poor child probably has a degree and has been convinced by his mama that he is the smartest boy in the third grade. She also probably told him that he is good looking and can sing well.


Blue said...

Happy New Year. I wish all of us the best!

Defender said...

Happy and safe and free New year, everyone.

Too bad we have no idea what the Founders had in mind, since they did all their business by phone and never, ever wrote anything down in diaries, letters, drafts of speeches, memoirs, monographs, or had biographies done on them. If they had, some of it might be available on the Internet, and could be found with over 10,000 results returned by a search engine in .490 seconds.
The only people who listen to those like Klein are the ones already inclined to use the socialist government hammer on anyone they disagree with. Tyrants and lesser bullies looking for a victim. Logic and reason aren't going to reach them.
What Patrick Henry said.

Anonymous said...

That ezra klein is something, I'm not sure if he is just ignorant, willfully stupid or a vile, lying evil man.

Defender said...

Good Ezra Pound reference, David.
All I knew was he was a poet who was locked away in a mental hospital for being a nonconformist. That's what they told us in English Lit.
An anti-war, anti-capitalism activist, he moved to Italy and became... a fascist. Part of the Blame America For Everything crowd.
A man ahead of his time.

David Codrea said...

I was wondering if I was being too cryptic there with dueling Ezras 'n all...