Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Not Unprecedented

"It's not unprecedented," Tarek said. "We can get something reasonable and common-sense done, working with Second Amendment rights activists. The concept of limiting the number of rounds available to civilians is not a radical position." [More]
You keep believing that, fool, and you're likely to bring on something else that's not unprecedented.

Or should I tone down such rhetoric and leave these traitors to their subversion without fair warning?


zach said...

I feel confident that gun rights really got a stay of execution when the "AWB" expired. If they ever get a permanent one, it will never be repealed and military pattern weapons ownershop will become extinct. Eventually, we'd be "sportsmen" with licensed tools-break open shotguns and bolt rifles like in the UK. Because there will be no confiscation, the controllers know that no one will fight back.

Defender said...

If they can restrict you to 10 rounds, they can restrict you to five, or none.
The arrogance.
Will they have the stones to not grandfather the magazines we already own as they did in the previous ban? Mandate that we surrender them? Cause we ain't gonna. Do they want them as badly as we believe in our right to have them?
Am I borrowing trouble? I think you all know as well as I do that they want us left with nothing.
I think they've had enough warnings, but we can still beg and plead for something vaguely resembling sanity and justice right up until.
I saw a comment last night -- I think it was after a news story on The Blaze -- in which someone said possession of a semi-automatic pistol should mean 15 years in prison and a $200,000 fine.
Hey, go for it. That's probably the remainder of my life and my possible earnings for 10 of those years. What would be left to lose? I was the first in three generations to go to college. Might as well be the first to not die in bed.

Pat H. said...

They (progressive/fascists) are already partially successful in setting the stage for additional gun confiscation laws.

They've got some folks back pedaling on warning rhetoric, some are toning down the words they now use.

I'm not, but some are.

They need to know that we will NOT tolerate a single new gun confiscation law, not a single one.

1894C said...

I've made a point recently to pay attention to NPR, MSNBC (Oberman, Maddow, et al), Rep McCarthy, Sen Lautenberg, and really listen to what proposals are being made regarding gun control.

The arrogance and incongruous combination of hopelessness and confidence is both bizarre and shocking. One moment we hear how gun control is a non starter and a political third rail; the next breath the pundits and gun banners speak dreamily of microstamping, magazine bans, semi auto bans, bans based on secret lists, one gun a month bans... well you get the idea.

The part that I find particularly concerning is the apparent understanding by gun banners that their objectives cannot be achieved by political means. Legislative fiat executive orders, regulatory mandates, these are the options being openly discussed.

The reality that new gun control may have to be imposed with more force then before and without due process does not seem to trouble gun control advocates. It sure does trouble me though, as push seems to be coming to shove.
