Sunday, January 02, 2011

Shania Twain wedding displays elitist attitude toward guns

But here’s the thing about the privileged Ms. Twain employing armed guards (lawbreaking or otherwise) in the first place—she’s a big advocate of infringements against those of us who can’t afford an armed security presence and must rely on being our own first line of defense. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column  notes those who've got theirs don't necessarily care if you get yours...besides, if you were anybody important, you'd have been invited.

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Defender said...

Thanks for linking to that list, David. There are people on there I didn't know about, some of whom I'm now a FORMER fan of as of today.
Fred "Mr. Rogers" Rogers, former Navy SEAL with a respectable enemy body count. Disappointing. Someone who should have known better.
Well. I don't go to their movies or their concerts, or buy their albums or DVDs. There are these decals on the doors of malls, movieplexes and live performance venues, a black pistol overlaid with the international circle-and-slash for "No."
Twain, being "country," should know better too. By the way, Shania is only her stage name, which she claims is an Ojibway Indian word means "I'm on my way." Keep going, Shania, away from me.
When Reba McEntire played here a few years ago, she offered two free tickets for every gun turned in. No word on whether the bruthahs downtown doing 90% of the crime shooting flocked in for that deal.

David Codrea said...

Urban legend, D. Rogers was never a SEAL.

FP said...

Twain's hypocrisy/gun stance doesn't surprise me, she's a Canadian.

Defender said...

Disappointing about Fred. I liked the pleasant irony of a gentle, soft-spoken guy able to take out the trash.
King Friday the XIIIth could have taken over the show at any time, probably. "Won't you please, Please won't you be my neighOH GOD DON'T HURT ME!"
Dennis Quaid has learned about the much greater danger of medical mistakes messing up your life rather than guns. His newborn children got 1,000 times the routine dose of a medication and almost died. I'm sure others among these treasonous worms are learning similar life lessons.

Defender said...

I notice Ellen DeGeneres is on there, the new Queen of Nice since Rosie went toes-up. She's having the big anti-bullying campaign and pledge. There's that failure to make the leap of logic. Doesn't she realize it's the same thing, the ability to resist? At the intersection of gay right and gun rights are the Pink Pistols. Motto: Armed gays don't get bashed.
I see also that some of the signees won't be signing anything except the Roll that's Called Up Yonder. I have to wonder whether God asks them, since he kinda favors the innocent and thinks we should too, "What were you THINKING?!"