Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mexican government shrugs off CBS News investigation on ‘walked guns’

So why the deliberate indifference? [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report  follows a timeline and connects some dots in an attempt to find out.

Bottom line: Because it's not in their interest to. Nor is it in Eric Holder's.  Nor Hillary's...

Anybody surprised?


Crotalus (Dont Tread on Me) said...

Looks like Senator Grassley's pretty much the only politician who's trying to follow this up, and get BATFEces investigated. As for the rest of them, this is all fine and dandy, as it works toward infringing abolishing the 2A.

Of course, the actions of the corrupt Mexican government, which has made sure that there can be no effective resistance from the Mexican people, do not surprise me at all.

Word is "symbi" as in "symbiosis", which indicates the relationship Calderon has with BATFEces.

cranky_yankee said...

If this situation proves anything, it's that their all on the same side,

Sadly, despite all of the honorable work of yours and Mike V., this will end up going nowhere and their agenda will continue.
Far be it that morality, other peoples lives and a couple of minor irritations get in the way of the grand scheme.

You can't fight the system using their system, perhaps this was always the case.

You will never get the monster to chew on it's own tail.

Regardless, well done Sir.