Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pleasing No One

I agree. [Read]

I'd like him to hold a press conference. As soon as possible.

There are a few questions I'd like to see asked. And there are some people who deserve answers to them.


Defender said...

A Feb. 7, 2011 article that recommends more money and power for ATF but DOES NOT mention the Gunwalker scandal.
And look at all the useful idiots commenting. "A well regulate malita (sic). Not the people."

Mark Steele said...

Glad to see Time / CNN is an unbiased news source:

'Gun-control advocates say the President has an array of options available to reduce the U.S.'s dizzying levels of gun violence'

Anonymous said...

Anyone else notice Dr Wireman's response? Dr, as in "Piled Higher and Deeper" - a link to her blog wast there -

After reading her blog, I can confidently say democrats are idiots.

More like ly to be killed my guns than anything else?! what a fool!